Managing Difficult Situations and People


90 minutes, 2-hours, ½ day


It is inevitable that difficult situations and clashes with colleagues comes up in the workplace, and for your managers and leaders to become effective in being able to manage these situations effectively has multiple benefits. This course looks to identify the difficult situations that most managers encounter in the workplace and to give managers the toolkit to tackle these effectively and build confidence. Your managers will work through relevant case studies and get to practice certain conversations in a safe environment designed to boost and enhance your manager’s learning.

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Your learning outcomes:

  • Explore the difficult situations that managers encounter and their underlying causes.
  • Identify what stops managers tackling difficult situations and identify ways to build confidence.
  • Gain insights into different personality preferences and the role they play in conflict situations.
  • Develop communication strategies to tackle challenging situations and people.
  • Learn conflict management techniques to resolve situations constructively.
  • Enhance emotional intelligence and learn how to manage yours and others emotions.
  • Identify management and problem-solving tools to tackle difficult situations.
  • Explore relevant case studies to put in to practice the management techniques.