Influencing and Persuading


90 minutes, 2-hours, ½ day


Being able to influence and persuade in the workplace has multiple benefits, and knowing your influencing style and understanding people is fundamental to success. This course looks to explore the principles of influencing, as well as the importance of knowing your audience when influencing and the benefits of flexing your style accordingly. It will work through practical tools to ensure successful outcomes, as well as ways to overcome resistance and objectives when influencing others. Your people will also get to explore assertiveness techniques to boost their confidence to communicate effectively with others.

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Your learning outcomes:

  • Understand the principles of influencing and persuading.
  • Identify different influencing styles and the importance ofeffective communication.
  • Learn how to influence different people by understandingbehavioural preferences and how to flex your approach accordingly.
  • Identify who you would like to influence and how you mightapproach that.
  • Recognise the importance of building credibility and rapportwhen increasing our ability to influence effectively.
  • Understand the role for emotional intelligence.
  • Work through ways to overcome resistance and objectionswhen influencing and persuading.
  • Recognise the role for collaboration and negotiation.
  • Practice assertiveness techniques using relevant real-world casestudies