Improving Working Relationships

Guided Learning Hours:

Maximum 3 hours


Being effective at work is reliant on strong working relationships, and inevitably there will be some working relationships that work better than others. This course looks to help your people map out their working relationships and understand the reasons why some work better than others. It will also explore the role for behavioural preferences and emotional intelligence as well as work through practical tools to build working relationships and know what to do when a relationship goes off track. Your people will go away with a much better understanding of what it takes to maintain stronger working relationship as well as techniques for building better relationships.

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Your learning outcomes:

  • Map out your working relationships and identify key working relationships you would like to improve.
  • Explore the benefits of strong working relationships and what it takes to build them effectively.
  • Reflect on why some working relationships may be working better than others and the role for behavioural preferences.
  • Work through tools to build effective working relationships and develop your confidence.
  • Understand the role for emotional intelligence when building strong working relationships including empathy.
  • Know what to do when a working relationship has veered off course and how to get it back on track.