Maximum 3 hours
Empathy is an incredibly powerful competence to develop and for managers it has multiple benefits not just for managing direct reports, but it can help improve their working relationships with others around them as well. The challenge is, not many know how to develop and enhance their ability to empathise and often confuse it with sympathy. This course not only looks at the benefits of developing empathy but will put in place the building blocks to develop empathy as well as challenge managers thinking around their level of competence with regards to empathy. Manager’s will get the opportunity to practice and reflect on their ability to empathise, as well as the opportunity to relate this back to their working relationships through empathy mapping.
Registered in England & Wales: 14323670
Registered office: The Bungalow, Dean Oak Lane, Leigh, Surrey, UK. RH2 8PZ.
The First Time Manager
The Experienced Manager
The Senior Leader
The Confident Leader
The Emotionally Intelligent Leader
The Coaching Manager
The Confident Presenter
We provide tailored one to one coaching that can support a number of personal and professional learning and development needs for managers, leaders and aspiring leaders some of which include: