Difficult Conversations

Guided Learning Hours:

Maximum 3 hours


Most managers and leaders find tackling difficult conversations a challenge. As a result, many either don’t happen or don’t have the desired outcome which can cause multiple issues in the workplace. This course looks to give managers and leaders key strategies and practical tools to build the ability and confidence to tackle difficult conversations. Not only will they identify key skills involved when approaching and managing difficult conversations, but they will get the opportunity to practice how to have a difficult conversation in a safe environment to give them strategies for successful outcomes.

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Your learning outcomes:

  • Identify the difficult conversations manager’s need to have and what stops them having difficult conversations.
  • Build confidence in your manager’s approach to difficult conversations.
  • Identify the key skills required to have a difficult conversation.
  • Recognise the different elements of communication and who you are speaking to when having a difficult conversation.
  • Explore the role for emotional intelligence and being assertive.
  • Work through a framework for having a difficult conversation.
  • Practice having a difficult conversation in a safe environment.
  • Explore the challenges managers may experience when having a difficult conversation and how to overcome them.