Communication Skills


90 minutes, 2-hours, ½ day


Having good communication skills is one of the most fundamental competencies professionals can learn. We operate in a world where we have instant and multiple communication channels at our fingertips, and we are bombarded with messages every day. But do we ever reflect on how effectively we use each channel and how we can develop our communication skills to ensure clarity and effectiveness? This course looks to explore the fundamental building blocks of good communication, what happens when it breaks down, as well as give your people the opportunity to build self-awareness of their communication style and reflect on how to work smarter and enhance the way they communicate. It will also give your people practical tools and and ways to improve their communication skills, which has multiple benefits from developing clarity of expectations and increased understanding, to building more meaningful and productive working relationships.

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Your learning outcomes:

  • Explore the fundamentals of good communication.
  • Understand the communication process and what happenswhen communication breaks down.
  • Recognise the importance of building rapport
  • Identify the components of good communication includingverbal and non-verbal communication.
  • Build self-awareness of your communication style.
  • Recognise the importance of different communicationpreferences and how to flex your style accordingly.
  • Explore which communication tools to use and why.
  • Understand what to do when communication breaks down.
  • Gain practical tools for developing your communication skills.