Conflict Management

Guided Learning Hours:

Maximum 3 hours


Having strategies to manage conflict as a manager and leader is one of the most fundamental skills they can have. This course looks to identify the root cause of conflict, explore the right and the wrong way to handle conflict, and practical tools and techniques to handle and manage conflict more effectively. Your manager’s will also get the opportunity to explore the role for emotional intelligence and work through real life examples, so they go away with tools to manage conflict more effectively and with confidence.

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Your learning outcomes:

  • Explore the root cause of conflict in the workplace and the impact it can have.
  • Know the right way and the wrong way to handle conflict reflecting on your own experiences.
  • Build and understanding of the role behavioural preferences and personality traits can have with creating conflict in the workplace.
  • Reflect on your conflict management style and identify ways to improve how you tackle conflict.
  • Explore a toolkit to help you manage conflict more effectively.
  • Reflect on the role for emotional intelligence when handling conflict.
  • Work through practical examples of conflict situations to help you build confidence to handle conflict more effectively.