Delegating Effectively

Guided Learning Hours:

Maximum 3 hours


Delegating is arguably one of the hardest competencies to master as a manager, and there are many different reasons why delegating either doesn’t happen or goes wrong. This short course looks to identify the barriers to delegating, ways to overcome those barriers and offers a practical approach to delegating to improve your manager’s confidence and save time. Whether your managers are looking to explore what holds them back from delegating effectively, want to learn more about how to delegate effectively, or simply want to sharpen their skills this course will do just that.

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Your learning outcomes:

•Identify the purpose of delegation, what stops us delegating and the benefits of delegating effectively.
•Understand what can go wrong and the consequences of poor delegation.
•Recognise the importance of effective communication and building trust to ensure a successful outcome.
•Reflect on tasks you can delegate and to whom as well as factors that need to be considered for successful delegation.
•Explore the delegation process and the steps that need to be taken for a positive outcome.
•Work through ways to use delegation to empower and motivate team members.
•Identify the importance of feedback and evaluation when delegating.