Facilitation Skills

Guided Learning Hours:

Maximum 3 hours


Great facilitation can really make workshops, group sessions and meetings come to life, and it takes a specific set of skills to be able to achieve a successful outcome. This course looks to explore what great facilitation is aiming to achieve, the skills required to be an effective facilitator and an opportunity to try out different facilitation techniques. It will also look to identify the key differences between virtual and face to face facilitation and your managers and leaders will go away with some practical tools and techniques to take their ability to facilitate to the next level.

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Your learning outcomes:

  • Explore the role of a facilitator and what great facilitation is aiming to achieve.
  • Reflect on key skills required to be an effective facilitator.
  • Understand the different tools and techniques facilitators use to obtain different outcomes.
  • Explore the key differences between in person and virtual facilitation.
  • Try out some different facilitation techniques.
  • Explore some common facilitation challenges and how to overcome them.