Managing Upwards

Guided Learning Hours:

Maximum 3 hours


There are many courses out there about managing others, but not so much around managing upwards. This course is designed to help staff get the most out of their working relationships with their superiors. It will also help boost confidence when seeking to build relationships with people more senior and will explore different communication and influencing techniques as well as ways to navigate working relationships ethically and with integrity.

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Your learning outcomes:

  • Understand the benefits of managing upwards and the dynamics of effective working relationships.
  • Reflect on the senior staff you would like to build closer working relationships with and why.
  • Develop an understanding of behavioural preferences and their relevance when managing upwards.
  • Develop key communication skills to help build your confidence to manage upwards effectively.
  • Know how to manage upwards and explore your key challenges to doing this.
  • Learn different influencing techniques and the importance of managing expectations.
  • Look to build supportive relationships around you that are mutually beneficial.
  • Recognise the role organisational dynamics and politics play and ways to navigate that ethically and with integrity.