Navigating Challenging Situations and People


90 minutes, 2-hours, ½ day


All workplaces have challenging situations and conflict, and this course aims to build your people’s confidence in tackling challenges and managing conflict more effectively to empower and build accountability. It will identify various situations and case studies and will work through a problem-solving toolkit as well as giving your people the opportunity to explore the benefits of emotional intelligence, assertiveness and different communication techniques. Your people will go away emboldened with a toolkit to apply to real life scenarios.

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Your learning outcomes:

  • Explore the difficult situations and people you encounter and their underlying causes.
  • Identify what stops you tackling difficult situations and how to build your confidence.
  • Gain insights into different personality preferences and their role for conflict.
  • Develop communication strategies to tackle challenging situations and people.
  • Learn conflict management techniques to resolve situations constructively.
  • Enhance your emotional intelligence and learn how to manage your own emotions and others around you.
  • Identify your own management and problem-solving toolkit to tackle difficult situations.
  • Explore relevant case studies to put in to practice the management techniques.