Personal Impact

Guided Learning Hours:

Maximum 3 hours


One of the core building blocks of success is self-awareness and for your people to know how they come across to others. This course aims to give your people some much needed reflection time to help build their self-awareness, as well as practical ways to understand and build their personal impact based on authenticity, values and qualities. There will be many tools to take away in this session in particular focusing on behaviour and communication, as well as ways to maintain personal impact when under pressure or in challenging situations.

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Your learning outcomes:

  • Define personal impact and why it is important in the workplace.
  • Reflect on your own unique personal impact and ways to improve your self awareness.
  • Explore the building blocks of personal impact underpinned by your unique values and qualities
  • Recognise the importance of first impressions and how they shape the impact you have on others around you.
  • Build your personal impact toolkit including understanding the impact you make through different communication channels.
  • Know how to maintain your personal impact through challenging situations.