Exploring Behavioural Preferences


90 minutes, 2-hours, ½ day


Understanding behavioural preferences is highly beneficial for your people, as it can inform them of how they interact, engage, and communicate with others. This highly practical workshop looks at a particular behavioural assessment known as DISC and will work through the different profiles and highlight the importance of flexing your communication style to improve engagement and working relationships. Your people will also get the opportunity to identify different communication styles and practice flexing their style to improve impact.

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Your learning outcomes:

  • Work through the DISC profile and understand what it means for behavioural preferences and the impact behaviour can have on others.
  • Identify different behavioural preferences using DISC and the importance of flexing behavioural style accordingly to build better working relationships with colleagues.
  • Work through ways to flex behaviour and communication style with others.
  • Practice different communication styles using real-world examples.

N.B. You will have the option to take a DISC profile assessment to support your learning